This little drum carries the numerical significance of this climb in the 13 thongs that fasten the drum skin to the cedar ring, and in the 9 cords with spiral or French hitching that suspend the little smoke-tan medicine bag in the center of the ring. In fact, the leather bag looks like a little temple; it's easy to see the ridges made by the draw string as columns of stairs leading to the temple opening at the top. So what could be important enough, considering the acceleration of time and the dramatic events happening around the globe, to be inside the bag?

A pebble.
My choosing to place an ordinary pebble inside the medicine bag--found in the bottom of our boat when leaving the dock for a day of oyster work-- is a gesture about something not at all ordinary. I have long remembered a quote from His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman: "A single pebble can change the course of a river, if you know where to place it." I believe that we are each capable of shifting the river. We are each a seed of awareness, a pebble of awakened consciousness. The right timing is now, and all it takes is a little drum to make a huge sound.

Pebble Drum
12" frame of spruce wood
blacktail deer hide
cedar fittings
smoke tan deer hide hitching and medicine bag
$300.00 cn
shipping additional
You can hear this drum played with a felted drumstick by clicking on this youtube link:
You can hear this drum played with a felted drumstick by clicking on this youtube link:
Email Kristen at journeyoracle@gmail.com to purchase
View more drums at www.journeyoracle.com